The iSkysoft MTS converter is easy to use video converting software. It
will enable you to convert the camcorder or camera files in the MTS to
the video in AVI, WMV, and MP4, MKV or other popular file format. The
audio extraction will be supported. This kind of the professional
converter will provide you the enough supporting for the devices such as
the Apple iPhone, iPod or iPad, Sony PSP or PS3, Android phones such as
HTC and many more.
Now, the mts is the high-definition of the MPEG, AVC, and H.264
transport the stream video file format which are commonly used through
HD camcorders like the Sony, Canon, Panasonic. The Mts files are used
mostly together with the Sony hardware. The camcorders make use of MTS
in the form of the AVCHD, a recording format made the special
application for the camcorders. There are some camcorder models which
from the Canon are also being used the MTS files. Those files are also
being represented in the Blu-ray disc compilations. Therefore they are
capable, they have the availability of storing the huge amount of the
information and the data tracks.
I know that you are wondering if, how to convert the MTS for Mac, then
to start that conversion, the mac while give both the Inter version and
the PowerPC version. The free download the right version of the MTS
converter for Mac according to your Mac hardware. If you dont know
which version of the MTS converter that will fit or good for the
conversion, you can try the Inter version the more universal todays
situation. As the owner of the popular players such as the iPod, iPhone,
Zune or any, it is already literal to us to convert the video file
formats like the MTS to MOV or MP4 so that we can just easily play the
best videos on our portable players anywhere. The MTS converter for the
Mac will help the user who likes to convert the MTS video files to many
formats like the AVI, FLV, WMV, 3GP2, 3GPP, 3GP, 3GPP2, QuickTime or the
MOV, MPG, MKV and may more. Then, after the conversion, you can
directly import into one software program from another, the MTS video
files to the many portable players like the iPod, iPhone. Apple TV, PSP,
Zune, PDA or the pocket PC which include the BlackBerry, creative Zen,
Archos, Epson media players and any cell phone, it is the process with
only just the few click at the short time.
How to play the MTS files on the Mac for free? Playing MTS on snow
leopard? How? Will since the MTS is an MPEG variant to some extent, you
can directly play the video files on the VLC media player, which is the
most powerful player for both the Mac and windows users to play many
popular formats. Moreover, Mplayer OS X is another good choice to play
MTS video files on Mac running Mac running Mac OS X snow leopard, Mac OS
X Lion and many more, if you are already using the special player which
will never supports the MTS, you could use a mts video converter before
you play MTS on your favorite video player.
Friday, May 29, 2015
Wednesday, May 27, 2015
XBOX 360 Repair: Red Ring Of Death Fix
Hey there, I know how it feels to be a victim of the Xbox 360 red ring
of death. That is probably one of the worst things that an owner of the
Xbox console can go through.
There are a lot of reasons in which this occurs. You might have heard about that e74 error message that a lot of gamers are getting lately as well.
Now the question is:
Can It Be Fixed Permanently Within 2 Hours From Now? Yes it can! That is the good news my friend. There are a variety of fixes that range from 30 minutes to 2 hours and even up to 3-4 weeks to get your console back to working. But our main concern is to have our console back ASAP right?
Two of them are permanent fixes while the other is a temporary one. Want to take a guess? I will tell you below:
1. The famous "towel trick" Yes, this is probably the worst technique that any Xbox owner can do to get their Xbox back to work. By doing this trick, the red ring of death will disappear and you can have your console working in as little as 30 minutes.
The downside: This is only a temporary fix and the red lights will most likely come back within a week or so.
2. For those who have warranty with Microsoft, you can definitely send the console to them. This is a great option for those who don't feel comfortable sending it to a local technician, due to the reason that they may take parts from your Xbox 360 console. However, Microsoft will reward you by permanently fixing your console.
The downside: It may take anywhere from 4-6 weeks to get your console back from Microsoft and you will have to pay for shipping which costs anywhere from $30 and up (Remember: This is quite a heavy console)
3. You can also use a DIY (Do It Yourself) guide. This is basically an online guide that will literally show you step by step videos on how to fix your console from your own home. This is a permanent fix and you can have your console permanently fixed and working within 1 hour the most.
The downside: You will have to manually do it yourself.
I hope you guys found these tips and considerations very helpful.
What's my recommendation?
I personally used the 3rd option because I wanted my Xbox to FULLY work and to be fixed PERMANENTLY rather than a temporary one. I actually felt more comfortable doing it myself rather than sending it else where because there are technicians that will "swap" parts from your Xbox console with another one.
That's right, people are sneaky enough to do that. It happened to me and it will most likely happen to you (unless you personally know them).
Xbox 360, Microsoft's video game console is subject to many issues besides the general hardware failure nick named the Red Ring of Death. Since its release in 2005, Xbox 360 is under controversies for the higher failure rates and Microsoft not only had to extend the warranty period of the device due to failure complaints but eventually launched an upgraded version 'Xbox 360 S' covering the issues like red ring of death error. Though the general hardware failure brought a very bad name to the device and damaging the overall goodwill of the company but it was not the only failure detected. Many other failures listed below were also contributing towards the customer's dissatisfaction.
1. Hardware failure
Hardware failure is the result of malfunctioning of any component on the motherboard and is indicated by a one led flashing around the power button. Usually an error code is also displayed on the bottom of screen referring to the component causing the failure like E74. This is more commonly known as one red light problem. The light that flashes red is Q4. Though it is not critical as the red ring of death error but in 2009 Microsoft had to amend its warranty and covered the one red light problem in it.
2. Overheating
This is an indication of the status of the Xbox 360 rather than a failure. When console gets overheated and the temperature of the console gets higher than a predefined level it shuts down the CPU and GPU simultaneously and starts running the fans at full speed to cool it down. In the meanwhile the two red lights start flashing until the temperature gets down sufficiently. Once the device is cooled down it is ready to be run again. To avoid this kind of situation continuous long duration gaming sessions should be divided into fairly smaller sessions and in between the sessions the console must be powered off and plugged out of the socket. It is better to keep it in an airy and well ventilated place.
3. AV cable error
All the four lights flash red when the AV cable is not connected or connected but console cannot detect it. It is a sort of status message than a mere fault so when you will connect back the cable the lights will automatically goes off and console returns back into normal operation.
4. General hardware failure or Red ring of death error
The most notorious one! The red ring of death error is deadly dangerous to turn the console into a brick. When three red lights start flashing it is time to ponder. Although it can be efficiently recovered with care in the home too but needs a bit of expertise. General hardware failure is indicated by flashing of three lights and is termed as a general hardware failure. It could GPU, CPU any other component on motherboard causing the problem. Mainly, the reason behind the red ring of death error is the bad design by Microsoft. Any sort of vibration or over heating results in the movement and expansion of the material and this causes the GPU to leave its place from the motherboard. Thus GPU gets loose on motherboard and red ring of death error appears.
The "Red Ring of Death" or the RRoD is representing a general system error in your system console. You must learn how to resolve this problem right away before it's too late.
What does the Red Ring of Death means?
The Red Ring of Death is being directed by the 3 blinking red lights on the power button area. This kind of problem happens when the Graphics Processing Unit in your system becomes loose resulting that your board or system has caused an overheating problem due to longer hours of usage. You should also give time for your system to cool down a bit so that you could avoid these overheating problems.
The supplementary form of the CPS chips including the GPU and CPU repels heat flow that sanctions suitable soldering of the lead-free welds under the system board or the motherboard. This starts the reasons of bricking and voids in the solders in the system console from lengthy continuous temperature that is changing inside the video game console. Lead-free solders, nevertheless can be the source of this because, when properly fused, they take on a dull form that specialists take as a cold solder joint in older procedures, therefore leads into slip up. The repercussions of this problem could allow the system console to collapse and making it unworkable.
As you can see that the Red Ring of Death is a very serious problem that you should not ignore. Mainly you cannot understand all the components and parts of your Xbox 360 because of its complexity but with the support guides and methods about the system console, you can learn and study the hardware and software overview of it. In this way you can educate yourself in determining the problems you may face such as the "Red Ring of Death" and many other technical problems.
There are many possible solutions and guides that you can search on the web to help you in fixing these types of problems.
Xbox 360, once the great gaming console which won over the other gaming hands down is now facing a serious problem called "red ring of death". It is also called "three red lights error". There are many technical causes for the occurrence of the red ring of death, but the top three causes are
1) Overheating,
2) Problems in GPU,
3) Problems in powerbrick.
Let us discuss about these issues below.
The number one cause for red ring of death as said above is the overall overheating of the console. Xbox 360 is nothing different from high end gaming pc, and the only difference is that all the components are tightly packed into a small space. Hence this makes the xbox overheat more often and rapidly than your pc, causing many errors including red ring of death. So,now lets see about the second cause.
GPU- General Processing Unit and its associated chips are the second cause for our problems. When the GPU and other chips inside xbox 360 becomes overheated, they are simply programmed to shut down resulting in a "screen freeze". But, when you restart the xbox, everything seems to be fine. Have ya experienced it?? If you have and wondered about it, then the above problem is the reason. But,when it happens more often, it will eventually lead to red rings of death -our most dreaded problem. Sound similar to the frequent head ache with xbox? okie, lets move on to the next cause...
Powerbrick is the other name of the box containing the transformer, essential for supplying power to xbox. Naturally powerbrick gets very hot and there is a fan inside to flush all the heat produced, away from the powerbrick. But, some people keep this powerbrick inside a closed chamber or some place where there is not much of air circulation and thus causes the powerbrick to overheat beyond its capacity, which will have its effect on the xbox, leading to frequent overheating and shut downs of the xbox, then eventually to red ring of death error. So, what do you think is the best possible prevention method, if you have not guessed yet, then read on...
As, you could have seen, most of the problems of xbox is caused by "overheating". The possible way to avoid the red ring of death and other errors is to keep the xbox and the powerbrick in a more airy place. Keep it in a place where air can flush out from all four sides of the xbox and powerbrick. Take your xbox outside of that closed display cabinet, at least when you play and till it cools down. Thus we have discussed about preventive ways and causes for the red ring of death.
Xbox 360 had been a very good gaming console, and we knew that it performed way better than pS3. But, recently there is a lot of issue around Xbox 360 red rings of death. From the red rings of death error causes to Microsoft's promise to temporary fixes all over the net and to final solution had been gaining a lot of attention. So, lets discuss on the problem and its possible solutions in this article.
The real cause for red rings of death is not known to 100% accuracy, but the most discussed cause is "overheating of Xbox" and Microsoft failing to adopt proper cooling mechanisms within the Xbox. This has lead Microsoft into real problems and widespread hatred. Lets see what Microsoft is upto regarding this issue.
So, does Microsoft stand upto defend its product? Yes, indeed. Microsoft has promised to replace or repair all the consoles which are affected by these dreaded red rings of death error. But again this problem doesn't seem to be fixed. Even after replacing some of the consoles, the new console again proves to have the same problem. Even the Xboxs which were repaired and sent back again felt victim for the dreaded "Xbox 360 red rings of death" problem. So, is there a solution, Read on...
There seems to be a wide spread temporary fix for this problem all over the net. Its the infamous "Towel Method". Yes, i have tried it on my Xbox 360. Do you know what, It Works! But just after two or three days the red rings of death problem arises again. But, it can fixed temporarily again using the same method. My serious recommendation would be to not use this method. Its like sabotaging your own Xbox. This method will cause more serious problems in the long run and its not a permanent fix either. I recently found a permanent fix for this problem.
Yes, there is a permanent fix for the problem of "Xbox 360 red rings of death", and has nothing to do with involving Microsoft either. I found out a guide online which gave me the exact methods to repair my Xbox with just some tools which can be found in the household. It had clear step by step video instructions on how to fix my console and abolish red rings of death problem. Now am happy that I found this guide and can play my halo3 again in my brand new Xbox with out those ugly red rings of death.
The Xbox 360 is an excellent piece of machinery that is worthy of great recognition, however recently the console has been plagued with a major hardware error, which is commonly known as the red ring of death. This could be due to the fact that The 360 was rushed along in the production process in order to beat the PS3, or simply because the designers overlooked a major design flaw.
Nonetheless, whatever the reason may be, many dedicated gamers are extremely frustrated with the problem and are seeking a permanent fix, as it is something that cannot be repaired very easily or quickly without the right information. Some gamers have been through as many as 4 gaming consoles in order to combat this problem; and guess what? There is no guarantee that Microsoft will send them a fifth console which won't encounter the same problem again. Luckily for you, I have discovered a way to permanently rid yourself of the red ring of death for good and it doesn't involve sending your console away to Microsoft or pay for costly repairs.
But before we go into the remedy for the red ring of death lets look at exactly what the red lights mean. Firstly you may be in luck and not be suffering from the red ring of death; if your Xbox only displays 1 red light then it means you are having a general hardware failure. This isn't all that major and it can generally be fixed by disconnecting and reconnecting the cables or Removing and re-inserting the hard drive, contact Microsoft customer support if the problem persists. 2 red lights on your button indicate that the system is beginning to overheat, if you see this warning then immediately turn the console off and let it cool down before resuming play, also try keep it in a well ventilated area for future use. If your AV plug is loose, then your XBox 360 will show 4 red lights, this is a simple problem and it can be easily fixed by plugging the cord back in its place.
Well if you aren't presented with any of the above symbols and are seeing 3 red lights, then I'm afraid your console has been contaminated with the red ring of death and your console is pretty much a regular piece of junk until you have it repaired. The red ring of death is caused due to one major problem and that is excessive overheating. The trouble is that during intense game play the heat sinks within the console become so hot that they eventually melt the thermal compounds between the CPU and GPU. This causes a general hardware failure within the console and you are presented with the Red Ring of Death to inform you of the malfunction.
Now, if you are seeking a solution to the dreaded problem then you have a few options at your disposal:
1. You can send you console back to Microsoft and have them fix it. This is an easy process however it can be a lengthy one, as it could take upto 8 weeks to get your console back. Also you will most probably receive a different refurbished console which could encounter the same problem in the future. As I mentioned earlier some gamers have been through as many as 4 consoles only to see their fifth console become doomed again.
2. Although I don't recommend it, you could attempt the infamous Towel Trick. You would've most likely heard of this solution already, and even though it works (only temporarily for about 30 mins) it is not a permanent fix and you could cause serious damage to your console in the process.
3. The third option is to repair the red ring of death yourself, with the aid of a quality Online Repair guide, that will run you through the repair process step by step using online videos and tutorials.
So what is the best option? That is totally upto you and you can decide on whichever option you wish to choose, however personally, I would recommend staying away from the towel trick. Option 1 is probably your best choice if you still have warranty and don't want to attempt any repairs yourself. If you don't have warranty then you will have to pay around $150 to have it repaired.
But seriously, why would you want to wait months to receive a repaired Xbox 360 that doesn't even come back repaired? Instead you could fix it yourself within the comfort of your own home with an easy to follow repair guide, these guides have plenty of information and they will walk you through the repair process using online videos and detailed instructions, they even offer live customer support that should help get your console back in action within an hour. The guides also come with a full money back guarantee, so if for some reason you cannot fix your console they will refund your money immediately.
Looking for a red ring of death fix? Then let this article offer your three ways to deal with it. Pick one that best suits you or one which you are courageous enough to endeavor.
The red ring of death is a rather common hardware failure of the Microsoft Xbox 360. It is indicated by the 3 curved lights that form a quarter of a circle around your unit's power button. This error is the result of excessive heat which the structural design of the Xbox 360 cannot withstand. This problem is serious but very much repairable. As promised, we are offering your 3 red ring of death fixes.
A popular red ring of death fix is the towel method. This is done by wrapping the Xbox in a towel and leaving it as such for 20 minutes. While this works, it is only temporary. The disadvantage is that doing this might even damage your unit as it might trap in more heat.
Another red ring of death fix involves opening your console. If you are on the technical side then you might want to try to do this. You will need the following tools for this one:
4 5x20MM Panhead Machine Screw (to secure the CPU heatsink)
4 5x15MM Panhead Machine Screw (to be used for the GPU)
44 #10 Washers (to lock in the mother board)
Drill (to widen the screw holes in the metal case)
Torx 9 and 6 screwdriver (to remove screws from the xbox's case)
1/4 inch Wrench or Socket (to remove the X-Clamp posts)
Phillips-head screwdriver
Small flathead screwdriver (to poke off the X-Clamps)
The principle here is to remove the goo on your CPU and GPU and then create more room for your heat sink. Tutorials by Ryan Edwards and James Dean will provide you with specific steps in doing this. Remember to perform this with caution so as not to cause further damage to your unit. The aim is to make it work and not to put added work!
The more clever red ring of death fix is sending it to Microsoft for repair. Since they are the ones who manufactured it, they sure know how to work around it. If you are willing to wait (I am sure it will be worth it), then make use of your three year warranty. Remember, you paid for it along with your purchase. Just go to and click repair. You will be asked some information like the bar code on the back of your unit. Upon receipt of all information, Microsoft will send you a shipping box so you can ship your unit to them for free. Wait for it and make sure to secure your Xbox as you ready it for shipping. Microsoft will inform you once they have received your unit and will give you a date of return.
There you go, your three red ring of death fix options.
There are a lot of reasons in which this occurs. You might have heard about that e74 error message that a lot of gamers are getting lately as well.
Now the question is:
Can It Be Fixed Permanently Within 2 Hours From Now? Yes it can! That is the good news my friend. There are a variety of fixes that range from 30 minutes to 2 hours and even up to 3-4 weeks to get your console back to working. But our main concern is to have our console back ASAP right?
Two of them are permanent fixes while the other is a temporary one. Want to take a guess? I will tell you below:
1. The famous "towel trick" Yes, this is probably the worst technique that any Xbox owner can do to get their Xbox back to work. By doing this trick, the red ring of death will disappear and you can have your console working in as little as 30 minutes.
The downside: This is only a temporary fix and the red lights will most likely come back within a week or so.
2. For those who have warranty with Microsoft, you can definitely send the console to them. This is a great option for those who don't feel comfortable sending it to a local technician, due to the reason that they may take parts from your Xbox 360 console. However, Microsoft will reward you by permanently fixing your console.
The downside: It may take anywhere from 4-6 weeks to get your console back from Microsoft and you will have to pay for shipping which costs anywhere from $30 and up (Remember: This is quite a heavy console)
3. You can also use a DIY (Do It Yourself) guide. This is basically an online guide that will literally show you step by step videos on how to fix your console from your own home. This is a permanent fix and you can have your console permanently fixed and working within 1 hour the most.
The downside: You will have to manually do it yourself.
I hope you guys found these tips and considerations very helpful.
What's my recommendation?
I personally used the 3rd option because I wanted my Xbox to FULLY work and to be fixed PERMANENTLY rather than a temporary one. I actually felt more comfortable doing it myself rather than sending it else where because there are technicians that will "swap" parts from your Xbox console with another one.
That's right, people are sneaky enough to do that. It happened to me and it will most likely happen to you (unless you personally know them).
Xbox 360, Microsoft's video game console is subject to many issues besides the general hardware failure nick named the Red Ring of Death. Since its release in 2005, Xbox 360 is under controversies for the higher failure rates and Microsoft not only had to extend the warranty period of the device due to failure complaints but eventually launched an upgraded version 'Xbox 360 S' covering the issues like red ring of death error. Though the general hardware failure brought a very bad name to the device and damaging the overall goodwill of the company but it was not the only failure detected. Many other failures listed below were also contributing towards the customer's dissatisfaction.
1. Hardware failure
Hardware failure is the result of malfunctioning of any component on the motherboard and is indicated by a one led flashing around the power button. Usually an error code is also displayed on the bottom of screen referring to the component causing the failure like E74. This is more commonly known as one red light problem. The light that flashes red is Q4. Though it is not critical as the red ring of death error but in 2009 Microsoft had to amend its warranty and covered the one red light problem in it.
2. Overheating
This is an indication of the status of the Xbox 360 rather than a failure. When console gets overheated and the temperature of the console gets higher than a predefined level it shuts down the CPU and GPU simultaneously and starts running the fans at full speed to cool it down. In the meanwhile the two red lights start flashing until the temperature gets down sufficiently. Once the device is cooled down it is ready to be run again. To avoid this kind of situation continuous long duration gaming sessions should be divided into fairly smaller sessions and in between the sessions the console must be powered off and plugged out of the socket. It is better to keep it in an airy and well ventilated place.
3. AV cable error
All the four lights flash red when the AV cable is not connected or connected but console cannot detect it. It is a sort of status message than a mere fault so when you will connect back the cable the lights will automatically goes off and console returns back into normal operation.
4. General hardware failure or Red ring of death error
The most notorious one! The red ring of death error is deadly dangerous to turn the console into a brick. When three red lights start flashing it is time to ponder. Although it can be efficiently recovered with care in the home too but needs a bit of expertise. General hardware failure is indicated by flashing of three lights and is termed as a general hardware failure. It could GPU, CPU any other component on motherboard causing the problem. Mainly, the reason behind the red ring of death error is the bad design by Microsoft. Any sort of vibration or over heating results in the movement and expansion of the material and this causes the GPU to leave its place from the motherboard. Thus GPU gets loose on motherboard and red ring of death error appears.
The "Red Ring of Death" or the RRoD is representing a general system error in your system console. You must learn how to resolve this problem right away before it's too late.
What does the Red Ring of Death means?
The Red Ring of Death is being directed by the 3 blinking red lights on the power button area. This kind of problem happens when the Graphics Processing Unit in your system becomes loose resulting that your board or system has caused an overheating problem due to longer hours of usage. You should also give time for your system to cool down a bit so that you could avoid these overheating problems.
The supplementary form of the CPS chips including the GPU and CPU repels heat flow that sanctions suitable soldering of the lead-free welds under the system board or the motherboard. This starts the reasons of bricking and voids in the solders in the system console from lengthy continuous temperature that is changing inside the video game console. Lead-free solders, nevertheless can be the source of this because, when properly fused, they take on a dull form that specialists take as a cold solder joint in older procedures, therefore leads into slip up. The repercussions of this problem could allow the system console to collapse and making it unworkable.
As you can see that the Red Ring of Death is a very serious problem that you should not ignore. Mainly you cannot understand all the components and parts of your Xbox 360 because of its complexity but with the support guides and methods about the system console, you can learn and study the hardware and software overview of it. In this way you can educate yourself in determining the problems you may face such as the "Red Ring of Death" and many other technical problems.
There are many possible solutions and guides that you can search on the web to help you in fixing these types of problems.
Xbox 360, once the great gaming console which won over the other gaming hands down is now facing a serious problem called "red ring of death". It is also called "three red lights error". There are many technical causes for the occurrence of the red ring of death, but the top three causes are
1) Overheating,
2) Problems in GPU,
3) Problems in powerbrick.
Let us discuss about these issues below.
The number one cause for red ring of death as said above is the overall overheating of the console. Xbox 360 is nothing different from high end gaming pc, and the only difference is that all the components are tightly packed into a small space. Hence this makes the xbox overheat more often and rapidly than your pc, causing many errors including red ring of death. So,now lets see about the second cause.
GPU- General Processing Unit and its associated chips are the second cause for our problems. When the GPU and other chips inside xbox 360 becomes overheated, they are simply programmed to shut down resulting in a "screen freeze". But, when you restart the xbox, everything seems to be fine. Have ya experienced it?? If you have and wondered about it, then the above problem is the reason. But,when it happens more often, it will eventually lead to red rings of death -our most dreaded problem. Sound similar to the frequent head ache with xbox? okie, lets move on to the next cause...
Powerbrick is the other name of the box containing the transformer, essential for supplying power to xbox. Naturally powerbrick gets very hot and there is a fan inside to flush all the heat produced, away from the powerbrick. But, some people keep this powerbrick inside a closed chamber or some place where there is not much of air circulation and thus causes the powerbrick to overheat beyond its capacity, which will have its effect on the xbox, leading to frequent overheating and shut downs of the xbox, then eventually to red ring of death error. So, what do you think is the best possible prevention method, if you have not guessed yet, then read on...
As, you could have seen, most of the problems of xbox is caused by "overheating". The possible way to avoid the red ring of death and other errors is to keep the xbox and the powerbrick in a more airy place. Keep it in a place where air can flush out from all four sides of the xbox and powerbrick. Take your xbox outside of that closed display cabinet, at least when you play and till it cools down. Thus we have discussed about preventive ways and causes for the red ring of death.
Xbox 360 had been a very good gaming console, and we knew that it performed way better than pS3. But, recently there is a lot of issue around Xbox 360 red rings of death. From the red rings of death error causes to Microsoft's promise to temporary fixes all over the net and to final solution had been gaining a lot of attention. So, lets discuss on the problem and its possible solutions in this article.
The real cause for red rings of death is not known to 100% accuracy, but the most discussed cause is "overheating of Xbox" and Microsoft failing to adopt proper cooling mechanisms within the Xbox. This has lead Microsoft into real problems and widespread hatred. Lets see what Microsoft is upto regarding this issue.
So, does Microsoft stand upto defend its product? Yes, indeed. Microsoft has promised to replace or repair all the consoles which are affected by these dreaded red rings of death error. But again this problem doesn't seem to be fixed. Even after replacing some of the consoles, the new console again proves to have the same problem. Even the Xboxs which were repaired and sent back again felt victim for the dreaded "Xbox 360 red rings of death" problem. So, is there a solution, Read on...
There seems to be a wide spread temporary fix for this problem all over the net. Its the infamous "Towel Method". Yes, i have tried it on my Xbox 360. Do you know what, It Works! But just after two or three days the red rings of death problem arises again. But, it can fixed temporarily again using the same method. My serious recommendation would be to not use this method. Its like sabotaging your own Xbox. This method will cause more serious problems in the long run and its not a permanent fix either. I recently found a permanent fix for this problem.
Yes, there is a permanent fix for the problem of "Xbox 360 red rings of death", and has nothing to do with involving Microsoft either. I found out a guide online which gave me the exact methods to repair my Xbox with just some tools which can be found in the household. It had clear step by step video instructions on how to fix my console and abolish red rings of death problem. Now am happy that I found this guide and can play my halo3 again in my brand new Xbox with out those ugly red rings of death.
The Xbox 360 is an excellent piece of machinery that is worthy of great recognition, however recently the console has been plagued with a major hardware error, which is commonly known as the red ring of death. This could be due to the fact that The 360 was rushed along in the production process in order to beat the PS3, or simply because the designers overlooked a major design flaw.
Nonetheless, whatever the reason may be, many dedicated gamers are extremely frustrated with the problem and are seeking a permanent fix, as it is something that cannot be repaired very easily or quickly without the right information. Some gamers have been through as many as 4 gaming consoles in order to combat this problem; and guess what? There is no guarantee that Microsoft will send them a fifth console which won't encounter the same problem again. Luckily for you, I have discovered a way to permanently rid yourself of the red ring of death for good and it doesn't involve sending your console away to Microsoft or pay for costly repairs.
But before we go into the remedy for the red ring of death lets look at exactly what the red lights mean. Firstly you may be in luck and not be suffering from the red ring of death; if your Xbox only displays 1 red light then it means you are having a general hardware failure. This isn't all that major and it can generally be fixed by disconnecting and reconnecting the cables or Removing and re-inserting the hard drive, contact Microsoft customer support if the problem persists. 2 red lights on your button indicate that the system is beginning to overheat, if you see this warning then immediately turn the console off and let it cool down before resuming play, also try keep it in a well ventilated area for future use. If your AV plug is loose, then your XBox 360 will show 4 red lights, this is a simple problem and it can be easily fixed by plugging the cord back in its place.
Well if you aren't presented with any of the above symbols and are seeing 3 red lights, then I'm afraid your console has been contaminated with the red ring of death and your console is pretty much a regular piece of junk until you have it repaired. The red ring of death is caused due to one major problem and that is excessive overheating. The trouble is that during intense game play the heat sinks within the console become so hot that they eventually melt the thermal compounds between the CPU and GPU. This causes a general hardware failure within the console and you are presented with the Red Ring of Death to inform you of the malfunction.
Now, if you are seeking a solution to the dreaded problem then you have a few options at your disposal:
1. You can send you console back to Microsoft and have them fix it. This is an easy process however it can be a lengthy one, as it could take upto 8 weeks to get your console back. Also you will most probably receive a different refurbished console which could encounter the same problem in the future. As I mentioned earlier some gamers have been through as many as 4 consoles only to see their fifth console become doomed again.
2. Although I don't recommend it, you could attempt the infamous Towel Trick. You would've most likely heard of this solution already, and even though it works (only temporarily for about 30 mins) it is not a permanent fix and you could cause serious damage to your console in the process.
3. The third option is to repair the red ring of death yourself, with the aid of a quality Online Repair guide, that will run you through the repair process step by step using online videos and tutorials.
So what is the best option? That is totally upto you and you can decide on whichever option you wish to choose, however personally, I would recommend staying away from the towel trick. Option 1 is probably your best choice if you still have warranty and don't want to attempt any repairs yourself. If you don't have warranty then you will have to pay around $150 to have it repaired.
But seriously, why would you want to wait months to receive a repaired Xbox 360 that doesn't even come back repaired? Instead you could fix it yourself within the comfort of your own home with an easy to follow repair guide, these guides have plenty of information and they will walk you through the repair process using online videos and detailed instructions, they even offer live customer support that should help get your console back in action within an hour. The guides also come with a full money back guarantee, so if for some reason you cannot fix your console they will refund your money immediately.
Looking for a red ring of death fix? Then let this article offer your three ways to deal with it. Pick one that best suits you or one which you are courageous enough to endeavor.
The red ring of death is a rather common hardware failure of the Microsoft Xbox 360. It is indicated by the 3 curved lights that form a quarter of a circle around your unit's power button. This error is the result of excessive heat which the structural design of the Xbox 360 cannot withstand. This problem is serious but very much repairable. As promised, we are offering your 3 red ring of death fixes.
A popular red ring of death fix is the towel method. This is done by wrapping the Xbox in a towel and leaving it as such for 20 minutes. While this works, it is only temporary. The disadvantage is that doing this might even damage your unit as it might trap in more heat.
Another red ring of death fix involves opening your console. If you are on the technical side then you might want to try to do this. You will need the following tools for this one:
4 5x20MM Panhead Machine Screw (to secure the CPU heatsink)
4 5x15MM Panhead Machine Screw (to be used for the GPU)
44 #10 Washers (to lock in the mother board)
Drill (to widen the screw holes in the metal case)
Torx 9 and 6 screwdriver (to remove screws from the xbox's case)
1/4 inch Wrench or Socket (to remove the X-Clamp posts)
Phillips-head screwdriver
Small flathead screwdriver (to poke off the X-Clamps)
The principle here is to remove the goo on your CPU and GPU and then create more room for your heat sink. Tutorials by Ryan Edwards and James Dean will provide you with specific steps in doing this. Remember to perform this with caution so as not to cause further damage to your unit. The aim is to make it work and not to put added work!
The more clever red ring of death fix is sending it to Microsoft for repair. Since they are the ones who manufactured it, they sure know how to work around it. If you are willing to wait (I am sure it will be worth it), then make use of your three year warranty. Remember, you paid for it along with your purchase. Just go to and click repair. You will be asked some information like the bar code on the back of your unit. Upon receipt of all information, Microsoft will send you a shipping box so you can ship your unit to them for free. Wait for it and make sure to secure your Xbox as you ready it for shipping. Microsoft will inform you once they have received your unit and will give you a date of return.
There you go, your three red ring of death fix options.
Sunday, May 24, 2015
Birthday E-Cards - Free Way of Sending Your Birthday Greetings
One of the most popular types of greeting card is birthday cards. As a
matter of fact, there are about thousands of cards being mailed daily.
These cards are purchased at bookstores or grocery stores.
Traditional types of birthday cards have become expensive to mail. The price of cards is ranging from 4 to 10 dollars depending on the manufacturer. In addition to this, the sender also needs to shoulder the varying cost of the mailing services.
Most of the time, many people are getting caught up with their busy schedules and forget to buy birthday cards before the occasion. As a result, people tend to send their birthday greetings and wishes much later than the actual birth day. Fortunately, there are other options people may consider to overcome these hindrances.
Birthday electronic card, also known as e-card, is the solution to the mentioned issue. These e-cards can help you send the birthday wishes on time and hassle-free. They can be sent to the email address of your recipient.
Today, many people choose to send e-cards rather than traditional cards as they can be sent with utmost convenience. You do not have to go out from the comfort of your home just to buy and send a card. You can do it with just a click of the mouse. All you need is computer and internet connection. In addition, many greeting websites offer electronic birthday cards for free. This means you do not have to worry about the cost as you send birthday greetings. How convenient!
You can also send birthday wishes through your phone. Yes, I am talking about text messaging. In a form of text, you can send the birthday e-card to the mobile phone of your recipient.
But if you are worrying about the appearance of the birthday card, you need not to worry anymore. Most of the birthday greetings online are formed just like the traditional ones. They also have picture on the cover and you can enter personal or special messages on the insides. These cards are known as mobile e-cards. As sender, you will need a cell phone to send your birthday wishes to your recipient.
There are wide array of e-cards online. You can choose from wide varieties of designs, styles and themes. You can even personalize them the way you want them to be. You may add images, sounds and videos to your card. You can also choose the style of the card, whether it is humorous, professional or sentimental. Thus, you can send funny or humorous electronic card to a family or friend and professional ones for co-workers.
With birthday e-cards, you do not have to worry about the hassle of sending traditional cards. You can now send your birthday greetings hassle-free and at no cost.
by: Anne Walker
Traditional types of birthday cards have become expensive to mail. The price of cards is ranging from 4 to 10 dollars depending on the manufacturer. In addition to this, the sender also needs to shoulder the varying cost of the mailing services.
Most of the time, many people are getting caught up with their busy schedules and forget to buy birthday cards before the occasion. As a result, people tend to send their birthday greetings and wishes much later than the actual birth day. Fortunately, there are other options people may consider to overcome these hindrances.
Birthday electronic card, also known as e-card, is the solution to the mentioned issue. These e-cards can help you send the birthday wishes on time and hassle-free. They can be sent to the email address of your recipient.
Today, many people choose to send e-cards rather than traditional cards as they can be sent with utmost convenience. You do not have to go out from the comfort of your home just to buy and send a card. You can do it with just a click of the mouse. All you need is computer and internet connection. In addition, many greeting websites offer electronic birthday cards for free. This means you do not have to worry about the cost as you send birthday greetings. How convenient!
You can also send birthday wishes through your phone. Yes, I am talking about text messaging. In a form of text, you can send the birthday e-card to the mobile phone of your recipient.
But if you are worrying about the appearance of the birthday card, you need not to worry anymore. Most of the birthday greetings online are formed just like the traditional ones. They also have picture on the cover and you can enter personal or special messages on the insides. These cards are known as mobile e-cards. As sender, you will need a cell phone to send your birthday wishes to your recipient.
There are wide array of e-cards online. You can choose from wide varieties of designs, styles and themes. You can even personalize them the way you want them to be. You may add images, sounds and videos to your card. You can also choose the style of the card, whether it is humorous, professional or sentimental. Thus, you can send funny or humorous electronic card to a family or friend and professional ones for co-workers.
With birthday e-cards, you do not have to worry about the hassle of sending traditional cards. You can now send your birthday greetings hassle-free and at no cost.
by: Anne Walker
Friday, May 22, 2015
The Best Animation Software
Realism is the key for that rising demand with 3D animation. This is the
challenging technology designed for prospective artists and for
professional animators alike to cultivate new editions and versions in
the existing 3D cartoon programs. The frames within the models and the
shots are sometimes simple, but the action or the movements within the
characters is the location where the creativity and skills of the
animator comes inside.
In 3D pc animation, visual styling are probably the categories that need be considered. Over the ages there has always been a confrontation involving two ideologies: paintings for arts cause and art for human upliftment. 3D animation is also a creative art form predominant in these details age marked by way of numerous inventions. Technological advancement can be a major catalyst for the ideology of art for upliftment. 3D animation is a perfect amalgamation associated with both.
3D animation encapsulates a essence of art work its dynamic and ever evolving nature should make it a potent education represent paintings, drawing in addition to sculptures. This form of art challenges the creative along with the intellectual streak inside the artist. The artist now fails to only use the standard means but boasts to show scientific intelligence.
This investigation involves an intricate software understanding and computer animation. The form of art is so immaculate that you need to draw, paint and model the plan within the dominion of 3D computer animation. Lighting, cinematography, colour pallette, textures, sound synchronisation, shade providing, contrasts and animation are examples of the other requirements to be a professional 3D animator. The first step as being a 3D animator can be that aspirants ought to understand to help make an animation on needs to literally sculpt a model along with the technological strokes together with bring the inanimate matter someone's. Taking or withdrawing elements from the model one may need to judge the inspiring work from different vantage points. a model in 3d animation usually gets under way with 2D photographs which presents this model from different angels.
To create some sequence of animation one has to make a detailed view within the model in the format of drawings, scripts and transitions. Tools play a major role in that creative process but it does not abrogate creativity from the work of genius, for a still renders animation aspirant, determination is a only tool in addition to nothing even technological dependence on any sort usually requires away quality in the creation.
The procedure of acquiring 3D animation techniques could be the creation of a backdrop, the placed designing, the identity modelling, the computer animation, cameras, recording, music compositions and specialized effects. The module within the study of a 3D animation contains 3D modelling, a model in 3d prototypes, Character animation, Special effects, architectural improvisations and engineering technicalities. This creative field demands its aspirants to be immaculate in this tricks of animation which include JPEG, GIF, TIFF, TGA and PNG extendable. Holistically, 3D animation usually requires the creator to have an aesthetic taste from the placement of the model. 3D animation brings to our life all static images and is the foundation for the brand image on the institution lest one looses people interest. 3D animation if excessive can be tedious for this viewer and skilled 3D animators need to understand and identify the viewers type of equilibrium.
by: Paquette Logan
In 3D pc animation, visual styling are probably the categories that need be considered. Over the ages there has always been a confrontation involving two ideologies: paintings for arts cause and art for human upliftment. 3D animation is also a creative art form predominant in these details age marked by way of numerous inventions. Technological advancement can be a major catalyst for the ideology of art for upliftment. 3D animation is a perfect amalgamation associated with both.
3D animation encapsulates a essence of art work its dynamic and ever evolving nature should make it a potent education represent paintings, drawing in addition to sculptures. This form of art challenges the creative along with the intellectual streak inside the artist. The artist now fails to only use the standard means but boasts to show scientific intelligence.
This investigation involves an intricate software understanding and computer animation. The form of art is so immaculate that you need to draw, paint and model the plan within the dominion of 3D computer animation. Lighting, cinematography, colour pallette, textures, sound synchronisation, shade providing, contrasts and animation are examples of the other requirements to be a professional 3D animator. The first step as being a 3D animator can be that aspirants ought to understand to help make an animation on needs to literally sculpt a model along with the technological strokes together with bring the inanimate matter someone's. Taking or withdrawing elements from the model one may need to judge the inspiring work from different vantage points. a model in 3d animation usually gets under way with 2D photographs which presents this model from different angels.
To create some sequence of animation one has to make a detailed view within the model in the format of drawings, scripts and transitions. Tools play a major role in that creative process but it does not abrogate creativity from the work of genius, for a still renders animation aspirant, determination is a only tool in addition to nothing even technological dependence on any sort usually requires away quality in the creation.
The procedure of acquiring 3D animation techniques could be the creation of a backdrop, the placed designing, the identity modelling, the computer animation, cameras, recording, music compositions and specialized effects. The module within the study of a 3D animation contains 3D modelling, a model in 3d prototypes, Character animation, Special effects, architectural improvisations and engineering technicalities. This creative field demands its aspirants to be immaculate in this tricks of animation which include JPEG, GIF, TIFF, TGA and PNG extendable. Holistically, 3D animation usually requires the creator to have an aesthetic taste from the placement of the model. 3D animation brings to our life all static images and is the foundation for the brand image on the institution lest one looses people interest. 3D animation if excessive can be tedious for this viewer and skilled 3D animators need to understand and identify the viewers type of equilibrium.
by: Paquette Logan
Tuesday, May 19, 2015
MS SQL Server Hosting Benefits
MS SQL server is a computer application that offers advanced relational
database management services to the enterprises. Few of the essential
points that make it part of an advantageous Enterprise Resource Planning
(ERP) proposition can be given as:
#Offers complete data solution from data mining to data analysis
# Compliments to existing applications stored on a hosting server
# Offers complete security of records
# Offers protection against frequent crash downs
# Makes hosting services more efficient
# Evenly allocates computing resources
# Offers complete data solution from data mining to data analysis
MS SQL server produced by Microsoft has brought limitless possibilities to the enterprising solutions available for todays business. This enterprise level database management server from Microsoft has undergone many changes over the years to evolve in its present form. Normally a small or micro enterprise has to face challenges in the areas of execution, lack of lucidity in organizational and professional maneuver. Because of unanalyzed data or unevaluated records, a company finds it difficult to gauge the pace of work. Similarly it is also difficult to record the progress of a team working on a project and the status details of the supervisor or administrator monitoring the entire project.
In todays world the volume of data is piling up in leaps and bounds and managing them efficiently is becoming quite a challenge for the companies. A company has to search through voluminous data while looking for certain information. This task which is also known as data-mining is a tedious and time consuming task. MS SQL server helps in great deal in the data mining for records. SQL server caters to the needs of multi-users. It allocates available resources among the users without compromising on the hardware efficiency.
#Offers complete security of records
In many cases the security of certain information or resources is also at risk. For any enterprise security of various types of data such as audio, video or graphical is very important. For beginners or entrepreneurs security of data can be absolutely critical and data stored in application other than MS SQL server, security can be breached with a little effort. A person wishing to access or copy the content from databases just needs to gain access of the hard drive. Once gotten the access, all data can be easily copied.
But in SQL server security can be provisioned in three different levels. One level is at the operating system level, the second is at the database level and the third level of security is at the file level. User can prevent unauthorized access at all three levels. Even after gaining the access, it is not easy for the defaulters to copy the data as data copying may also be restricted. This facility is not available in other software applications as available in SQL server.
SQL server ranks high over other applications because of its reliability and high security features also. It offers the users with the flexibility to encrypt certain data, whole database or log files as desired. It also offers the users with an option of defining the policies which relate in some way to the data. A user company can define the type of access granted to its team members, granting of permission to copy or replicate the data etc. A user is intimated upon the violation of such policies by the hosting service provider. The user can also restrict its team members by defining the action to be taken on policy violation.
# Compliments to existing applications stored on a hosting server
The benefits of SQL server can be efficiently availed with the help of third party hosting. This application can be installed on a server run and hosted by hosting service providers. These providers designate the level of security to be entrusted upon the users of such applications. Seeking the services for installing and using SQL server is also good on account of the other services offered by hosting service providers. Offering complete computing services such as replication of basic to advanced applications, operating systems, hard drives, memory etc are all taken care of by the service providers.
A user just needs a basic computer with an internet connection and rest of everything from computing hardware to required software, everything is provided by the hosting service provider. With a minimum investment based on monthly or yearly subscription, a user is offered the support of computer loaded with latest features and hardware. One can purchase an application and ask its service providers to get the application installed on the hosting server. The space allotted to store the data of the users, is virtually limitless. When the SQL server is installed on this hosting server, it becomes easy for the application to fetch, analyze, regulate the response for certain records or data stored in its hard drive.
# Offers protection against frequent crash downs
Normally a server catering to multi-users faces the risk of hanging up or crashing down during the request execution process. SQL server protects the users from such crashes by regulating resource supply to nodes from which there is excessive demand for the data. Though the record fetching to such demanding nodes may be a bit slower but it will not crash and this is one of the great features of a SQL server. It effortlessly offers simultaneous use of same data from two or more users.
# Makes hosting services more efficient
Besides the security there is a huge volume of data to be accessed, referred and arranged in so many ways to deduce certain results or to reach to certain conclusion. SQL server application is a great tool to transform a small and medium enterprise into an efficient enterprise.
Now more and more users are switching to MS SQL server which makes it a better choice for the companies. This is simply because the user community of this server is very resourceful and a user can find the solution for its problem by sneaking into any such online community. Besides the online communities, Microsoft also provides free training sessions on usage of these servers.
# Evenly allocates computing resources
MS SQL also offers buffers management feature wherein a list of records frequently sought are stored in the buffer memory (known as cache memory). Hosting this application server along with other applications on a hosting server provided by a hosting service provider is advantageous for a user in many ways. As Hosting service providers offer higher cache memory which makes it easier to store good amount of records on buffer memory rather than storing them on hard drives. Accessing these records is comparatively less time consuming.
#Offers complete data solution from data mining to data analysis
# Compliments to existing applications stored on a hosting server
# Offers complete security of records
# Offers protection against frequent crash downs
# Makes hosting services more efficient
# Evenly allocates computing resources
# Offers complete data solution from data mining to data analysis
MS SQL server produced by Microsoft has brought limitless possibilities to the enterprising solutions available for todays business. This enterprise level database management server from Microsoft has undergone many changes over the years to evolve in its present form. Normally a small or micro enterprise has to face challenges in the areas of execution, lack of lucidity in organizational and professional maneuver. Because of unanalyzed data or unevaluated records, a company finds it difficult to gauge the pace of work. Similarly it is also difficult to record the progress of a team working on a project and the status details of the supervisor or administrator monitoring the entire project.
In todays world the volume of data is piling up in leaps and bounds and managing them efficiently is becoming quite a challenge for the companies. A company has to search through voluminous data while looking for certain information. This task which is also known as data-mining is a tedious and time consuming task. MS SQL server helps in great deal in the data mining for records. SQL server caters to the needs of multi-users. It allocates available resources among the users without compromising on the hardware efficiency.
#Offers complete security of records
In many cases the security of certain information or resources is also at risk. For any enterprise security of various types of data such as audio, video or graphical is very important. For beginners or entrepreneurs security of data can be absolutely critical and data stored in application other than MS SQL server, security can be breached with a little effort. A person wishing to access or copy the content from databases just needs to gain access of the hard drive. Once gotten the access, all data can be easily copied.
But in SQL server security can be provisioned in three different levels. One level is at the operating system level, the second is at the database level and the third level of security is at the file level. User can prevent unauthorized access at all three levels. Even after gaining the access, it is not easy for the defaulters to copy the data as data copying may also be restricted. This facility is not available in other software applications as available in SQL server.
SQL server ranks high over other applications because of its reliability and high security features also. It offers the users with the flexibility to encrypt certain data, whole database or log files as desired. It also offers the users with an option of defining the policies which relate in some way to the data. A user company can define the type of access granted to its team members, granting of permission to copy or replicate the data etc. A user is intimated upon the violation of such policies by the hosting service provider. The user can also restrict its team members by defining the action to be taken on policy violation.
# Compliments to existing applications stored on a hosting server
The benefits of SQL server can be efficiently availed with the help of third party hosting. This application can be installed on a server run and hosted by hosting service providers. These providers designate the level of security to be entrusted upon the users of such applications. Seeking the services for installing and using SQL server is also good on account of the other services offered by hosting service providers. Offering complete computing services such as replication of basic to advanced applications, operating systems, hard drives, memory etc are all taken care of by the service providers.
A user just needs a basic computer with an internet connection and rest of everything from computing hardware to required software, everything is provided by the hosting service provider. With a minimum investment based on monthly or yearly subscription, a user is offered the support of computer loaded with latest features and hardware. One can purchase an application and ask its service providers to get the application installed on the hosting server. The space allotted to store the data of the users, is virtually limitless. When the SQL server is installed on this hosting server, it becomes easy for the application to fetch, analyze, regulate the response for certain records or data stored in its hard drive.
# Offers protection against frequent crash downs
Normally a server catering to multi-users faces the risk of hanging up or crashing down during the request execution process. SQL server protects the users from such crashes by regulating resource supply to nodes from which there is excessive demand for the data. Though the record fetching to such demanding nodes may be a bit slower but it will not crash and this is one of the great features of a SQL server. It effortlessly offers simultaneous use of same data from two or more users.
# Makes hosting services more efficient
Besides the security there is a huge volume of data to be accessed, referred and arranged in so many ways to deduce certain results or to reach to certain conclusion. SQL server application is a great tool to transform a small and medium enterprise into an efficient enterprise.
Now more and more users are switching to MS SQL server which makes it a better choice for the companies. This is simply because the user community of this server is very resourceful and a user can find the solution for its problem by sneaking into any such online community. Besides the online communities, Microsoft also provides free training sessions on usage of these servers.
# Evenly allocates computing resources
MS SQL also offers buffers management feature wherein a list of records frequently sought are stored in the buffer memory (known as cache memory). Hosting this application server along with other applications on a hosting server provided by a hosting service provider is advantageous for a user in many ways. As Hosting service providers offer higher cache memory which makes it easier to store good amount of records on buffer memory rather than storing them on hard drives. Accessing these records is comparatively less time consuming.
Monday, May 18, 2015
PSD to HTML conversion is so important
Today PSD to HTML and PSD to XHTML play very significant and critical
role in web design and web development. Success and failure of any
website or web application can also sometimes depend on these basic PSD
to XHTML/CSS conversions. If your XHTML code is not perfect or not up to
the mark users will move on to other service provider or may be to your
competitor. As web design is important as it shows your customers first
impression so its XHTML code to search engines like google and yahoo
and not to forget even to your customers. If your site does not look
good on your customers browser, you could lose a customer forever and
even sale.
There are many tools which automate your PSD to XHTML conversion, but so far none of them could produce good results why? As no tool can read your design, these tools cant understand importance of HTML tags and parts of your design that can be one of the critical things that search engines may see. Its always recommended to go for manual PSD to HTML conversion services.Today we even saw automated PSD to Wordpress converters and we did tested one of them and it gave us worst code.
PSD to HTML conversion services are low cost services like $45 for index page and $25 or 50% for each inner page. You dont redesign your website every day, do you? So this small investment can bring down your SEO cost if done in proper way. Your XHTML code should be valid and more importantly should be search engine friendly, should be all latest and one step down browser compatible. Should have proper comments and CSS should be in separate files, all java script should be in separate files, your code should be neat and easy to understand. There should be no unwanted code or unwanted CSS. Your page loading should be very less and this can be only when your code is perfect. Your page loading has major role to play in search engines, SEO and more to your sales. If your page takes longer to download due to bad coding, your customer will not wait he will move on.
There are number of companies like which provide low cost high quality PSD to CSS/HTML conversion services. Remember as site owner or designer your job is not just to go online with best design, it has be to best coded as well. If you ignore this at starting stage you will have to pay a lot in terms of SEO, sales, customers and one or other day come back to recode and pay more then what you would have paid initially. Your XHTML code speaks to your customers and it speaks to search engines. It acts like sales person for you and you know a bad sales person not only loses sale for your site but results in customer lost as well. When you select any PSD to HTML Conversion Company like convert2xhtml give them proper details make sure you and Conversion Company are on same track. Dont rush, as its just initial phase a small delay in coding is acceptable then fast coding with hidden issues
by: David Andrews
There are many tools which automate your PSD to XHTML conversion, but so far none of them could produce good results why? As no tool can read your design, these tools cant understand importance of HTML tags and parts of your design that can be one of the critical things that search engines may see. Its always recommended to go for manual PSD to HTML conversion services.Today we even saw automated PSD to Wordpress converters and we did tested one of them and it gave us worst code.
PSD to HTML conversion services are low cost services like $45 for index page and $25 or 50% for each inner page. You dont redesign your website every day, do you? So this small investment can bring down your SEO cost if done in proper way. Your XHTML code should be valid and more importantly should be search engine friendly, should be all latest and one step down browser compatible. Should have proper comments and CSS should be in separate files, all java script should be in separate files, your code should be neat and easy to understand. There should be no unwanted code or unwanted CSS. Your page loading should be very less and this can be only when your code is perfect. Your page loading has major role to play in search engines, SEO and more to your sales. If your page takes longer to download due to bad coding, your customer will not wait he will move on.
There are number of companies like which provide low cost high quality PSD to CSS/HTML conversion services. Remember as site owner or designer your job is not just to go online with best design, it has be to best coded as well. If you ignore this at starting stage you will have to pay a lot in terms of SEO, sales, customers and one or other day come back to recode and pay more then what you would have paid initially. Your XHTML code speaks to your customers and it speaks to search engines. It acts like sales person for you and you know a bad sales person not only loses sale for your site but results in customer lost as well. When you select any PSD to HTML Conversion Company like convert2xhtml give them proper details make sure you and Conversion Company are on same track. Dont rush, as its just initial phase a small delay in coding is acceptable then fast coding with hidden issues
by: David Andrews
Sunday, May 17, 2015
Personal Loans Bad Credit, Online Cash Borrowing With Poor Credit Score
the only way that people with bad credit could access credit financing
was by pledging some asset as security on the amount of cash that they
planned to borrow. The pledged asset also had to have some value close
to the amount being borrowed. This is not the case anymore as some
lenders are now giving out unsecured personal loans bad credit where the
credit scores of the borrower also do not matter.
How to get better terms on the loans
Unsecured personal loans bad credit have very high interest rates as a measure by the lenders to reduce the risks of losing their unsecured cash to people with records of poor repayments and defaulting loans among other things. The loans are also given at very strict terms and any violations will attract huge penalties. The borrower should therefore try to find better terms before applying for the loans by:
Comparing lenders- this is quite easy especially when done online and you first need to come up with a number of lenders who offer these unsecured loans. You then need to compare them to find the one whose quote on unsecured personal loans bad credit reflects:
More flexible terms and conditions
Lower interest rates
An amount that will handle your needs
Dealing with reputed lenders- choosing to deal with a lender known for good reputation is another way you can get better terms. The borrower should take time to carefully go through the reviews posted by previous borrowers in the website of the lender and this should greatly help in making the right decision. There are also some online sites that can help you on this as they give reviews and ratings of different lenders.
Improving credit scores with unsecured personal loans with bad credit
People with bad credit can use these loans to raise their credit scores as this can later help them to easily obtain other types of loans. All they need to do is borrow the loans and then make prompt repayments while keeping in line with the terms agreed on these loans. Keeping an extended but clean credit period can also help to improve credit scores.
Even if you dont have any valuable assets under your name, its now easy to qualify for bad credit loans. Most lenders are now offering unsecured personal loans bad credit in a bid to gain more customers and all you need is to carry out a quick search to find them, apply for the loans and get the funds.
by: Farold Haefen
How to get better terms on the loans
Unsecured personal loans bad credit have very high interest rates as a measure by the lenders to reduce the risks of losing their unsecured cash to people with records of poor repayments and defaulting loans among other things. The loans are also given at very strict terms and any violations will attract huge penalties. The borrower should therefore try to find better terms before applying for the loans by:
Comparing lenders- this is quite easy especially when done online and you first need to come up with a number of lenders who offer these unsecured loans. You then need to compare them to find the one whose quote on unsecured personal loans bad credit reflects:
More flexible terms and conditions
Lower interest rates
An amount that will handle your needs
Dealing with reputed lenders- choosing to deal with a lender known for good reputation is another way you can get better terms. The borrower should take time to carefully go through the reviews posted by previous borrowers in the website of the lender and this should greatly help in making the right decision. There are also some online sites that can help you on this as they give reviews and ratings of different lenders.
Improving credit scores with unsecured personal loans with bad credit
People with bad credit can use these loans to raise their credit scores as this can later help them to easily obtain other types of loans. All they need to do is borrow the loans and then make prompt repayments while keeping in line with the terms agreed on these loans. Keeping an extended but clean credit period can also help to improve credit scores.
Even if you dont have any valuable assets under your name, its now easy to qualify for bad credit loans. Most lenders are now offering unsecured personal loans bad credit in a bid to gain more customers and all you need is to carry out a quick search to find them, apply for the loans and get the funds.
by: Farold Haefen
Saturday, May 16, 2015
Courier Services
Courier Delivery has been the pulse of communication since time
immemorial. Even though the internet has taken up the bulk of mail
communication process, courier still plays an active role when it comes
to delivering tangible goods around the world with reliability and
express speed that only courier companies can provide.
The process of courier is quite complicated and requires several components within the company to perform flawlessly and reliably. Right from the point of pick-up till the delivery, an item passes through several processes that are known only to those inside the business and which hardly matter to the end users. All that matters is the end delivery and peace of mind.

What to Look For In a Courier Service Provider?
Once you decide to use a courier service you have to ensure that you know what options are available and what not. First and the most obvious is the presence of the courier company at the other end. Mostly, smaller companies have collaborations with larger ones to deliver items. However this is not always reliable. A company with a dedicated team of professionals handling the entire process independently is a much better one.
Second comes the pricing. Tariffs vary across companies, make sure that as a customer you look for all available alternatives that provide the speed and reliability at a cheap price. Never choose a costlier one when you can have the same from a more economical courier delivery company.
Then comes the ease of pick up and drop. Most courier companies have local presence in the form of depots and pick up points; the best among them also provide pick up right from your doorstep if you choose. At the other end, the recipient should not be inconvenienced for the sake of delivery. He or she needs to be intimated well ahead about the time of delivery so that he or she can make the necessary arrangements to be present at the time of time of delivery. This commitment and care can be expected only from the best.
What Are The Tariffs?
As already mentioned, this aspect is variable and you as a customer should do your research to know about the cheapest available. Talk to your friends and neighbours if you are completely new to this. Most companies will be happy to revert to your queries regarding price options. You could also visit their websites and get a good idea about the several schemes on offer. Requesting a quote can be very helpful in getting the clear picture of the process.
Finally, if you are availing any of the internet related service, whether it be payment or delivery make sure that the company is accredited and authentic.
by: Interlinkdirect
The process of courier is quite complicated and requires several components within the company to perform flawlessly and reliably. Right from the point of pick-up till the delivery, an item passes through several processes that are known only to those inside the business and which hardly matter to the end users. All that matters is the end delivery and peace of mind.
What to Look For In a Courier Service Provider?
Once you decide to use a courier service you have to ensure that you know what options are available and what not. First and the most obvious is the presence of the courier company at the other end. Mostly, smaller companies have collaborations with larger ones to deliver items. However this is not always reliable. A company with a dedicated team of professionals handling the entire process independently is a much better one.
Second comes the pricing. Tariffs vary across companies, make sure that as a customer you look for all available alternatives that provide the speed and reliability at a cheap price. Never choose a costlier one when you can have the same from a more economical courier delivery company.
Then comes the ease of pick up and drop. Most courier companies have local presence in the form of depots and pick up points; the best among them also provide pick up right from your doorstep if you choose. At the other end, the recipient should not be inconvenienced for the sake of delivery. He or she needs to be intimated well ahead about the time of delivery so that he or she can make the necessary arrangements to be present at the time of time of delivery. This commitment and care can be expected only from the best.
What Are The Tariffs?
As already mentioned, this aspect is variable and you as a customer should do your research to know about the cheapest available. Talk to your friends and neighbours if you are completely new to this. Most companies will be happy to revert to your queries regarding price options. You could also visit their websites and get a good idea about the several schemes on offer. Requesting a quote can be very helpful in getting the clear picture of the process.
Finally, if you are availing any of the internet related service, whether it be payment or delivery make sure that the company is accredited and authentic.
by: Interlinkdirect
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
How To Choose A Recruitment Agency For Overseas Staff
In recent times, the concept of recruiting overseas staff has gained
momentum. Many businesses have joined the bandwagon in their attempt to
meet the unprecedented and increasing skills shortage. To keep afloat
and to stay ahead of competitors, it is important that you recruit
skilled staff to deliver what the business stands for. Recruiting
overseas staff is a boon for many small and medium sized businesses to
meet this challenge. International recruits may possess the skills and
attitudes that will prove beneficial to you and your business.
It is a known fact that to have a migrant worker is a financial decision. It is less desirable to have this worked out wrongly. You need them as an asset to your business rather than a liability. A wrong choice will result in lost visa space on which you spent your time, money and effort. Hence, it is required that these international recruitment agencies are more diligent in choosing the right candidate.
The exercise to bring in overseas staff will be rewarding if you are able to choose an appropriate overseas staff recruitment agency. There are numerous businesses claiming to be the best in the industry. How would you differentiate the good from the bad? This write-up is essentially to give an insight to the key aspects, which you need to be aware of when engaging a recruitment agency for overseas staff.
Choosing a Recruitment Agency for Overseas Staff
Recruitment is a dynamic industry and it becomes overwhelming and confusing for prospective employers and candidates. In this maze, to choose the right recruitment agency for overseas staff becomes even more daunting. Some of the characteristics that you need to look out for when availing the service of a recruitment agency, especially for Overseas staff, is listed below.
Global Presence
A well-established recruitment agency with numerous clients and offices in different locations across cities, provinces or countries is a safe bet. Be cautious when signing up with a start up agency or one with a single office location.
There are international recruiters who claim they have offices in different countries. To affirm their claims are true, request for the business registration documents for the respective countries. This could be beneficial, as it will quickly tell you whether they are being honest or misleading you with false claims. They may be in reality working with an associate agency and this might cost you more dearly. This also means that the recruitment process and most importantly screening of the applicants are not under their control.
It is important that the recruitment agency has the relevant experience in recruiting international staff in addition to guide and lead you smoothly through the transition process. It is advisable to choose a recruiting agency, which has been continuously working with Overseas recruitment and with good reputation.
An experienced recruitment agency is more likely to be aware of the laws of the countries from which the applicant hail from. As they are empowered with this knowledge, this will quicken the process to get them to your country after visa issuance. This requires experience in visa and immigration rules of both countries. This is a salient feature to look for when engaging a recruiting agency for overseas staff recruitment.
Reference Check
It is wise to carry out a thorough check on the recruitment agency that you wish to engage for recruitment. You should request for client testimonials and case studies to confirm their authenticity. Ideally, they should provide these without much delay. Needless to add, this should be followed up with a background check of the testimonials to ensure they are clients and not pseudo businesses.
Some shady recruitment agencies are famous in providing Client contacts with a foreign sounding name. Do not hesitate to insist in getting a reference from a client in your own country or in a similar country. This way you can verify the legitimacy of the referred Business entity.
There could be occasions where an international recruitment agency might pass their relatives or friends as client or business references. They would impress you with their polite, feasible and article manners. However in reality they might not be a business. Easier way to ascertain this would be to do a search on Google maps. If they are a listed business, the chances are very rare that you wouldnt find them on google maps or other business directory.
Websites depicts the degree of professionalism maintained by an organisation. This platform serves as a tool for interaction and serves as the public face of the business. Being part of the social media such as Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and the like is a clear indication of whether they are with the flow.
Website would be a good start to obtain information about any prospective recruitment agency. Other sources to check their reputation would be through newspapers, magazines and word-of-mouth. This will give you information on how the business is viewed in the public eye. Review their website to see whether they are informative, articulate and influential with a reputation in the industry.
You have a reputation and brand name in your industry. You are gauged by the way you conduct your business and especially your HR practices. You definitely will be concerned that your reputation is upheld in all circumstances. There are occasion where international recruiters overcharge their applicants. This in turn would mar your reputation. It would be advisable to get them disclose how much if any they charge their applicants for their services. What has been portrayed as free or low cost could actually cost the applicant. This in turn can damage your brand identity with the unassuming applicant believing that it is being charged rather than the agency itself.
A genuine recruiter is ready to offer good, helpful and honest advice and is foresighted. It would be beneficial if your international recruiter is capable of providing relevant information that you need to know, preparing you what to expect and assist you in making the right decision drawn from their past experience. However, this is possible only with recruitment agencies that has a global presence and/ or networked with industry partners, to source skilled staff from different countries.
The recruiting consultant would work out options in the best interest of the client drawing from previous work experience. He/She would be willing to spend atleast 30-40 minutes of friendly and professional initial consultation to gain a complete understanding of your requirements and follow-up for further information as and when the need arises.
Recruitment agencies that provide quick turn-around-time for emails and telephone queries, is a good sign that they take their profession seriously. This can be anything from phone calls being answered quickly, politely and in a professional manner; email etiquette; regular updates on websites etc. It would be advantageous to have your queries answered quickly so that you have a smooth sail in this entire process. Turnaround time is an important feature to look-out when choosing a recruitment agency.
How the recruitment agency consultants conduct their business is a reflection of the business image and principles. Evaluating and assessing all aspects of the consultants performance is important. Acting professionally in all circumstances, being knowledgeable about their clients and industry, keen to listen and offer advise accordingly, are some of the desired qualities in a recruitment consultant. It is crucial to ensure that they will be able to represent your business values and thereby attract skills appropriate to your business.
A combination of these key traits will help you zero down on the appropriate recruitment agency that will provide efficient professional service and from where you can build a lasting business relationship.
by: Fred Molloy
It is a known fact that to have a migrant worker is a financial decision. It is less desirable to have this worked out wrongly. You need them as an asset to your business rather than a liability. A wrong choice will result in lost visa space on which you spent your time, money and effort. Hence, it is required that these international recruitment agencies are more diligent in choosing the right candidate.
The exercise to bring in overseas staff will be rewarding if you are able to choose an appropriate overseas staff recruitment agency. There are numerous businesses claiming to be the best in the industry. How would you differentiate the good from the bad? This write-up is essentially to give an insight to the key aspects, which you need to be aware of when engaging a recruitment agency for overseas staff.
Choosing a Recruitment Agency for Overseas Staff
Recruitment is a dynamic industry and it becomes overwhelming and confusing for prospective employers and candidates. In this maze, to choose the right recruitment agency for overseas staff becomes even more daunting. Some of the characteristics that you need to look out for when availing the service of a recruitment agency, especially for Overseas staff, is listed below.
Global Presence
A well-established recruitment agency with numerous clients and offices in different locations across cities, provinces or countries is a safe bet. Be cautious when signing up with a start up agency or one with a single office location.
There are international recruiters who claim they have offices in different countries. To affirm their claims are true, request for the business registration documents for the respective countries. This could be beneficial, as it will quickly tell you whether they are being honest or misleading you with false claims. They may be in reality working with an associate agency and this might cost you more dearly. This also means that the recruitment process and most importantly screening of the applicants are not under their control.
It is important that the recruitment agency has the relevant experience in recruiting international staff in addition to guide and lead you smoothly through the transition process. It is advisable to choose a recruiting agency, which has been continuously working with Overseas recruitment and with good reputation.
An experienced recruitment agency is more likely to be aware of the laws of the countries from which the applicant hail from. As they are empowered with this knowledge, this will quicken the process to get them to your country after visa issuance. This requires experience in visa and immigration rules of both countries. This is a salient feature to look for when engaging a recruiting agency for overseas staff recruitment.
Reference Check
It is wise to carry out a thorough check on the recruitment agency that you wish to engage for recruitment. You should request for client testimonials and case studies to confirm their authenticity. Ideally, they should provide these without much delay. Needless to add, this should be followed up with a background check of the testimonials to ensure they are clients and not pseudo businesses.
Some shady recruitment agencies are famous in providing Client contacts with a foreign sounding name. Do not hesitate to insist in getting a reference from a client in your own country or in a similar country. This way you can verify the legitimacy of the referred Business entity.
There could be occasions where an international recruitment agency might pass their relatives or friends as client or business references. They would impress you with their polite, feasible and article manners. However in reality they might not be a business. Easier way to ascertain this would be to do a search on Google maps. If they are a listed business, the chances are very rare that you wouldnt find them on google maps or other business directory.
Websites depicts the degree of professionalism maintained by an organisation. This platform serves as a tool for interaction and serves as the public face of the business. Being part of the social media such as Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and the like is a clear indication of whether they are with the flow.
Website would be a good start to obtain information about any prospective recruitment agency. Other sources to check their reputation would be through newspapers, magazines and word-of-mouth. This will give you information on how the business is viewed in the public eye. Review their website to see whether they are informative, articulate and influential with a reputation in the industry.
You have a reputation and brand name in your industry. You are gauged by the way you conduct your business and especially your HR practices. You definitely will be concerned that your reputation is upheld in all circumstances. There are occasion where international recruiters overcharge their applicants. This in turn would mar your reputation. It would be advisable to get them disclose how much if any they charge their applicants for their services. What has been portrayed as free or low cost could actually cost the applicant. This in turn can damage your brand identity with the unassuming applicant believing that it is being charged rather than the agency itself.
A genuine recruiter is ready to offer good, helpful and honest advice and is foresighted. It would be beneficial if your international recruiter is capable of providing relevant information that you need to know, preparing you what to expect and assist you in making the right decision drawn from their past experience. However, this is possible only with recruitment agencies that has a global presence and/ or networked with industry partners, to source skilled staff from different countries.
The recruiting consultant would work out options in the best interest of the client drawing from previous work experience. He/She would be willing to spend atleast 30-40 minutes of friendly and professional initial consultation to gain a complete understanding of your requirements and follow-up for further information as and when the need arises.
Recruitment agencies that provide quick turn-around-time for emails and telephone queries, is a good sign that they take their profession seriously. This can be anything from phone calls being answered quickly, politely and in a professional manner; email etiquette; regular updates on websites etc. It would be advantageous to have your queries answered quickly so that you have a smooth sail in this entire process. Turnaround time is an important feature to look-out when choosing a recruitment agency.
How the recruitment agency consultants conduct their business is a reflection of the business image and principles. Evaluating and assessing all aspects of the consultants performance is important. Acting professionally in all circumstances, being knowledgeable about their clients and industry, keen to listen and offer advise accordingly, are some of the desired qualities in a recruitment consultant. It is crucial to ensure that they will be able to represent your business values and thereby attract skills appropriate to your business.
A combination of these key traits will help you zero down on the appropriate recruitment agency that will provide efficient professional service and from where you can build a lasting business relationship.
by: Fred Molloy
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
Mount Everest
"Everest" redirects here. For other uses, see Everest (disambiguation).
Mount Everest, also known in Nepal as Sagarmāthā and in Tibet as Chomolungma, is Earth's highest mountain. It is located in the Mahalangur section of the Himalayas. Its peak is 8,848 metres (29,029 ft) above sea leveland is the 5th furthest summit from the center of Earth.The international border between China and Nepal runs across the precise summit point. Its massif includes neighboring peaks Lhotse, 8,516 m (27,940 ft); Nuptse, 7,855 m (25,771 ft) and Changtse, 7,580 m (24,870 ft).
Aerial photo from the south, behind Nuptse and Lhotse
Elevation | 8,848 m (29,029 ft)[1] Ranked 1st |
Prominence | 8,848 m (29,029 ft) Ranked 1st (Notice special definition for Everest) |
Location | |
Location on the Sagarmatha Zone, Nepal - Tibet, China border | |
Coordinates | |
Climbing | |
First ascent | 29 May 1953 Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay (First winter ascent 1980 Leszek Cichy and Krzysztof Wielicki) |
In 1856, the Great Trigonometrical Survey of India established the first published height of Everest, then known as Peak XV, at 29,002 ft (8,840 m). The current official height of 8,848 m (29,029 ft) as recognized by China and Nepal was established by a 1955 Indian survey and subsequently confirmed by a Chinese survey in 1975. In 1865, Everest was given its official English name by the Royal Geographical Society upon a recommendation by Andrew Waugh, the British Surveyor General of India. Waugh named the mountain after his predecessor in the post, Sir George Everest, arguing that there were many local names, against the opinion of Everest.
Mount Everest attracts many highly experienced mountaineers as well as capable climbers willing to hire professional guides. There are two main climbing routes, one approaching the summit from the southeast in Nepal (known as the standard route) and the other from the north in Tibet. While not posing substantial technical climbing challenges on the standard route, Everest presents dangers such as altitude sickness, weather, wind as well as significant objective hazards from avalanches and the Khumbu Icefall.
The first recorded efforts to reach Everest's summit were made by British mountaineers. With Nepal not allowing foreigners into the country at the time, the British made several attempts on the north ridge route from the Tibetan side. After the first reconnaissance expedition by the British in 1921 reached 7,000 m (22,970 ft) on the North Col, the 1922 expedition pushed the North ridge route up to 8,320 m (27,300 ft) marking the first time a human had climbed above 8,000 m (26,247 ft). Tragedy struck on the descent from the North col when seven porters were killed in an avalanche. The 1924 expedition resulted in the greatest mystery on Everest to this day: George Mallory and Andrew Irvine made a final summit attempt on June 8 but never returned, sparking debate as to whether they were the first to reach the top. They had been spotted high on the mountain that day but disappeared in the clouds, never to be seen again until Mallory's body was found in 1999 at 8,155 m (26,755 ft) on the North face. Tenzing Norgay and Edmund Hillary made the first official ascent of Everest in 1953 using the southeast ridge route. Tenzing had reached 8,595 m (28,199 ft) the previous year as a member of the 1952 Swiss expedition.
Location on Earth
Mount Everest relief map
Morning view of Mount Everest from its southern side
The British were forced to continue their observations from Terai, a region south of Nepal which is parallel to the Himalayas. Conditions in Terai were difficult because of torrential rains and malaria. Three survey officers died from malaria while two others had to retire due to failing health.[8]
Nonetheless, in 1847, the British continued the Great Trigonometric survey and began detailed observations of the Himalayan peaks from observation stations up to 240 km (150 mi) away. Weather restricted work to the last three months of the year. In November 1847, Andrew Waugh, the British Surveyor General of India made several observations from the Sawajpore station located in the eastern end of the Himalayas. Kangchenjunga was then considered the highest peak in the world, and with interest he noted a peak beyond it, about 230 km (140 mi) away. John Armstrong, one of Waugh's officials, also saw the peak from a location farther west and called it peak "b". Waugh would later write that the observations indicated that peak "b" was higher than Kangchenjunga, but given the great distance of the observations, closer observations were required for verification. The following year, Waugh sent a survey official back to Terai to make closer observations of peak "b", but clouds thwarted all attempts.
In 1849, Waugh dispatched James Nicolson to the area, who made two observations from Jirol, 190 km (120 mi) away. Nicolson then took the largest theodolite and headed east, obtaining over 30 observations from five different locations, with the closest being 174 km (108 mi) from the peak.[8]
Nicolson retreated to Patna on the Ganges to perform the necessary calculations based on his observations. His raw data gave an average height of 9,200 m (30,200 ft) for peak "b", but this did not consider light refraction, which distorts heights. However, the number clearly indicated, that peak "b" was higher than Kangchenjunga. Then, Nicolson contracted malaria and was forced to return home without finishing his calculations. Michael Hennessy, one of Waugh's assistants, had begun designating peaks based on Roman numerals, with Kangchenjunga named Peak IX, while peak "b" now became known as Peak XV.
In 1852, stationed at the survey headquarters in Dehradun, Radhanath Sikdar, an Indian mathematician and surveyor from Bengal, was the first to identify Everest as the world's highest peak, using trigonometric calculations based on Nicolson's measurements
An official announcement that Peak XV was the highest was delayed for several years as the calculations were repeatedly verified. Waugh began work on Nicolson's data in 1854, and along with his staff spent almost two years working on the calculations, having to deal with the problems of light refraction, barometric pressure, and temperature over the vast distances of the observations. Finally, in March 1856 he announced his findings in a letter to his deputy in Calcutta. Kangchenjunga was declared to be 28,156 ft (8,582 m), while Peak XV was given the height of 29,002 ft (8,840 m). Waugh concluded that Peak XV was "most probably the highest in the world".
Peak XV (measured in feet) was calculated to be exactly 29,000 ft (8,839.2 m) high, but was publicly declared to be 29,002 ft (8,839.8 m) in order to avoid the impression that an exact height of 29,000 feet (8,839.2 m) was nothing more than a rounded estimate.
Waugh is therefore wittily credited with being "the first person to put two feet on top of Mount Everest".
Mount Everest | |||
The north face of Mount Everest
Chomolungma[12][13] | |||
Traditional Chinese | 珠穆朗瑪峰 | ||
Simplified Chinese | 珠穆朗玛峰[11] | ||
Literal meaning | Chomolungma Peak | ||
Tibetan name | |||
Tibetan | ཇོ་མོ་གླང་མ | ||
Nepali name | |||
Nepali | सगरमाथा[14] | ||
Nepali Romanisation name | |||
Nepali Romanisation | Sagarmāthā | ||
British Survey name | |||
British Survey | Peak XV |
Waugh argued that because there were many local names, it would be difficult to favour one name over all others, so he decided that Peak XV should be named after Welsh surveyor George Everest, his predecessor as Surveyor General of India.
George Everest opposed the name suggested by Waugh and told the Royal Geographical Society in 1857 that Everest could not be written in Hindi nor pronounced by "the native of India". Waugh's proposed name prevailed despite the objections, and in 1865, the Royal Geographical Society officially adopted Mount Everest as the name for the highest mountain in the world.The modern pronunciation of Everest /ˈɛvərɨst, ˈɛvrɨst/ is different from Sir George's pronunciation of his surname, which was /ˈiːvrɨst/ (EEV-rist).
The Tibetan name for Mount Everest is ཇོ་མོ་གླང་མ (IPA: [t͡ɕʰòmòlɑ́ŋmɑ̀], lit. "Holy Mother"), whose official pinyin romanization is Qomolangma. It is also popularly romanised as Chomolungma and (in Wylie) as Jo-mo-glang-ma or Jomo Langma.[25] The official Chinese transcription is simplified Chinese: 珠穆朗玛峰; traditional Chinese: 珠穆朗瑪峰 whose pinyin form is Zhūmùlǎngmǎ Fēng ("Chomolungma Peak").[26] It is also infrequently simply translated into Chinese as Shèngmǔ Fēng (圣母峰; 聖母峰; "Holy Mother Peak"). In 2002, the Chinese People's Daily newspaper published an article making a case against the use of "Mount Everest" for the mountain in English, insisting that it should be referred to as "Mount Qomolangma",[26] based on the local Tibetan name. The article argued that British colonialists did not "first discover" the mountain, as it had been known to the Tibetans and mapped by the Chinese as "Qomolangma" since at least 1719.[27]
In the early 1960s, the Nepalese government coined a Nepali name for Mount Everest, Sagarmāthā or Sagar-Matha[28] (सगरमाथा[29]), allegedly to supplant the Tibetan name among the locals, which the Nepali government felt was "not acceptable".[citation needed]
In 1856, Andrew Waugh announced Everest (then known as Peak XV) as 29,002 ft (8,840 m) high, after several years of calculations based on observations made by the Great Trigonometric Survey.
The elevation of 8,848 m (29,029 ft) was first determined by an Indian survey in 1955, made closer to the mountain, also using theodolites.[citation needed] It was subsequently reaffirmed by a 1975 Chinese measurement 8,848.13 m (29,029.30 ft).
In both cases the snow cap, not the rock head, was measured. In May 1999 an American Everest Expedition, directed by Bradford Washburn, anchored a GPS unit into the highest bedrock. A rock head elevation of 8,850 m (29,035 ft), and a snow/ice elevation 1 m (3 ft) higher, were obtained via this device.[33] Although it has not been officially recognized by Nepal,[34] this figure is widely quoted. Geoid uncertainty casts doubt upon the accuracy claimed by both the 1999 and 2005 surveys.
A detailed photogrammetric map (at a scale of 1:50,000) of the Khumbu region, including the south side of Mount Everest, was made by Erwin Schneider as part of the 1955 International Himalayan Expedition, which also attempted Lhotse. An even more detailed topographic map of the Everest area was made in the late 1980s under the direction of Bradford Washburn, using extensive aerial photography.
On 9 October 2005, after several months of measurement and calculation, the Chinese Academy of Sciences and State Bureau of Surveying and Mapping officially announced the height of Everest as 8,844.43 m (29,017.16 ft) with accuracy of ±0.21 m (0.69 ft). They claimed it was the most accurate and precise measurement to date.
This height is based on the actual highest point of rock and not on the snow and ice covering it. The Chinese team also measured a snow/ice depth of 3.5 m (11 ft), which is in agreement with a net elevation of 8,848 m (29,029 ft). The snow and ice thickness varies over time, making a definitive height of the snow cap impossible to determine.
2004 photo mosaic the Himalayas with Makalu and Mount Everest from the International Space Station, Expedition 8.
By the same measure of base to summit, Mount McKinley, in Alaska, is also taller than Everest.Despite its height above sea level of only 6,168 m (20,236 ft), Mount McKinley sits atop a sloping plain with elevations from 300 to 900 m (980 to 2,950 ft), yielding a height above base in the range of 5,300 to 5,900 m (17,400 to 19,400 ft); a commonly quoted figure is 5,600 m (18,400 ft) By comparison, reasonable base elevations for Everest range from 4,200 m (13,800 ft) on the south side to 5,200 m (17,100 ft) on the Tibetan Plateau, yielding a height above base in the range of 3,650 to 4,650 m (11,980 to 15,260 ft).
The summit of Chimborazo in Ecuador is 2,168 m (7,113 ft) farther from Earth's centre (6,384.4 km (3,967.1 mi)) than that of Everest (6,382.3 km (3,965.8 mi)), because Earth bulges at the Equator.This is despite Chimborazo having a peak 6,268 m (20,564.3 ft) above sea level versus Mount Everest's 8,848 m (29,028.9 ft).
Monday, May 11, 2015
Himalayas and "Imaus
The Himalayas, or Himalaya, (/ˌhɪməˈleɪ.ə/ or /hɪˈmɑːləjə/; Sanskrit: हिमालय, Nepali: हिमालय, Urdu: ہمالیہ; from Sanskrit hima (snow) + ālaya (dwelling), literally meaning "abode of snow") is a mountain range in South Asia which separates the Indo-Gangetic Plain from the Tibetan Plateau. This range is home to nine of the ten highest peaks on Earth, including the highest, Mount Everest. The Himalayas have profoundly shaped the cultures of South Asia. Many Himalayan peaks are sacred in both Buddhism and Hinduism.
The Himalayas are bordered on the north by the Tibetan Plateau, on the south by the Indo-Gangetic Plain, on the northwest by the Karakoram and Hindu Kush ranges, and on the east by the Indian states of Assam and Arunachal Pradesh. The western anchor of the Himalayas — Nanga Parbat — lies just south of the northernmost bend of the Indus River, while the eastern anchor — Namcha Barwa — is situated just west of the great bend of the Yarlung Tsangpo River. The Himalayas span five countries: India, Nepal, Bhutan, China (Tibet), and Pakistan, with the first three countries having sovereignty over most of the range.
Lifted by the collision of the Indian tectonic plate with the Eurasian Plate, the Himalayan range runs northwest to southeast in a 2,400 kilometres (1,500 mi) long arc. The range varies in width from 400 kilometres (250 mi) in the west to 150 kilometres (93 mi) in the east. Besides the Greater Himalayas, there are several parallel lower ranges. The southernmost of these, located along the northern edge of the Indian plains and reaching about a thousand meters in altitude, are called the Sivalik Hills. Further north is a higher range, reaching two to three thousand meters, known as the Lower Himalayan Range.
Three of the world's major rivers — the Indus, the Ganges and the Brahmaputra — arise in the Himalayas. While the Indus and the Brahmaputra rise near Mount Kailash in Tibet, the Ganges rises in the Indian state of Uttarakhand. Their combined drainage basin is home to some 600 million people.
The flora and fauna of the Himalayas vary with climate, rainfall, altitude, and soils. The climate ranges from tropical at the base of the mountains to permanent ice and snow at the highest elevations. The amount of yearly rainfall increases from west to east along the southern front of the range. This diversity of altitude, rainfall and soil conditions combined with the very high snow line supports a variety of distinct plant and animal communities. For example the extremes of high altitude (low atmospheric pressure) combined with extreme cold allow extremophile organisms to survive
The unique floral and faunal wealth of the Himalayas is undergoing structural and compositional changes due to climate change. The increase in temperature may shift various species to higher elevations. The oak forest is being invaded by pine forests in the Garhwal Himalayan region. There are reports of early flowering and fruiting in some tree species, especially rhododendron, apple and box myrtle. The highest known tree species in the Himalayas is Juniperus tibetica located at 4,900 metres (16,080 ft) in Southeastern Tibet

The Himalaya are among the youngest mountain ranges on the planet and consist mostly of uplifted sedimentary and metamorphic rock. According to the modern theory of plate tectonics, their formation is a result of a continental collision or orogeny along the convergent boundary between the Indo-Australian Plate and the Eurasian Plate. The Arakan Yoma highlands in Myanmar and the Andaman and Nicobar Islands in the Bay of Bengal were also formed as a result of this collision.
During the Upper Cretaceous, about 70 million years ago, the north-moving Indo-Australian plate (which has subsequently broken into the Indian Plate and the Australian plate) was moving at about 15 cm per year. About 50 million years ago this fast moving Indo-Australian plate had completely closed the Tethys Ocean, the existence of which has been determined by sedimentary rocks settled on the ocean floor, and the volcanoes that fringed its edges. Since both plates were composed of low density continental crust, they were thrust faulted and folded into mountain ranges rather than subducting into the mantle along an oceanic trench. An often-cited fact used to illustrate this process is that the summit of Mount Everest is made of marine limestone from this ancient ocean.
Today, the Indian plate continues to be driven horizontally below the Tibetan Plateau, which forces the plateau to continue to move upwards. The Indian plate is still moving at 67 mm per year, and over the next 10 million years it will travel about 1,500 km into Asia. About 20 mm per year of the India-Asia convergence is absorbed by thrusting along the Himalaya southern front. This leads to the Himalayas rising by about 5 mm per year, making them geologically active. The movement of the Indian plate into the Asian plate also makes this region seismically active, leading to earthquakes from time to time.
During the last ice age, there was a connected ice stream of glaciers between Kangchenjunga in the east and Nanga Parbat in the west.[8][9] In the west, the glaciers joined with the ice stream network in the Karakoram, and in the north, joined with the former Tibetan inland ice. To the south, outflow glaciers came to an end below an elevation of 1,000–2,000 metres (3,300–6,600 ft). While the current valley glaciers of the Himalaya reach at most 20 to 32 kilometres (12 to 20 mi) in length, several of the main valley glaciers were 60 to 112 kilometres (37 to 70 mi) long during the ice age.The glacier snowline (the altitude where accumulation and ablation of a glacier are balanced) was about 1,400–1,660 metres (4,590–5,450 ft) lower than it is today. Thus, the climate was at least 7.0 to 8.3 °C (12.6 to 14.9 °F) colder than it is today
The Himalayas have the third largest deposit of ice and snow in the world, after Antarctica and the Arctic.The Himalayan range encompasses about 15,000 glaciers, which store about 12,000 km3 (3,000 cubic miles) of fresh water. Its glaciers include the Gangotri and Yamunotri (Uttarakhand) and Khumbu glaciers (Mount Everest region), Langtang glacier (Langtang region) and Zemu (Sikkim).
Owing to the mountains' latitude near the Tropic of Cancer, the permanent snow line is among the highest in the world at typically around 5,500 metres (18,000 ft). In contrast, equatorial mountains in New Guinea, the Rwenzoris and Colombia have a snow line some 900 metres (2,950 ft) lower.The higher regions of the Himalayas are snowbound throughout the year, in spite of their proximity to the tropics, and they form the sources of several large perennial rivers, most of which combine into two large river systems:
The Salween, Mekong, Yangtze and Huang He (Yellow River) all originate from parts of the Tibetan Plateau that are geologically distinct from the Himalaya mountains, and are therefore not considered true Himalayan rivers. Some geologists refer to all the rivers collectively as the circum-Himalayan rivers.
In recent years, scientists have monitored a notable increase in the rate of glacier retreat across the region as a result of global climate change. For example, Glacial lakes have been forming rapidly on the surface of the debris-covered glaciers in the Bhutan Himalaya during the last few decades. Although the effect of this will not be known for many years, it potentially could mean disaster for the hundreds of millions of people who rely on the glaciers to feed the rivers of northern India during the dry seasons.
The Himalayan region is dotted with hundreds of lakes. Most lakes are
found at altitudes of less than 5,000 m, with the size of the lakes
diminishing with altitude. Tilicho Lake in Nepal in the Annapurna massif is one of the highest lakes in the world. Pangong Tso, which is spread across the border between India and China, and Yamdrok Tso,
located in central Tibet, are amongst the largest with surface areas of
700 km², and 638 km², respectively. Other notable lakes include She-Phoksundo Lake in the Shey Phoksundo National Park of Nepal, Gurudongmar Lake, in North Sikkim, Gokyo Lakes in Solukhumbu district of Nepal and Lake Tsongmo, near the Indo-China border in Sikkim.
Some of the lakes present a danger of a glacial lake outburst flood. The Tsho Rolpa glacier lake in the Rowaling Valley, in the Dolakha District of Nepal, is rated as the most dangerous. The lake, which is located at an altitude of 4,580 metres (15,030 ft) has grown considerably over the last 50 years due to glacial melting.
The mountain lakes are known to geographers as tarns if they are caused by glacial activity. Tarns are found mostly in the upper reaches of the Himalaya, above 5,500 metres.
In Hinduism, the Himalayas have been personified as the god Himavat, father of Ganga and Parvati.
Several places in the Himalayas are of religious significance in Buddhism, Hinduism, Jainism and Sikhism. A notable example of a religious site is Paro Taktsang, where Padmasambhava is said to have founded Buddhism in Bhutan.
A number of Tibetan Buddhist sites are situated in the Himalayas, including the residence of the Dalai Lama. There were over 6,000 monasteries in Tibet.The Tibetan Muslims had their own mosques in Lhasa and Shigatse
The Himalayas are bordered on the north by the Tibetan Plateau, on the south by the Indo-Gangetic Plain, on the northwest by the Karakoram and Hindu Kush ranges, and on the east by the Indian states of Assam and Arunachal Pradesh. The western anchor of the Himalayas — Nanga Parbat — lies just south of the northernmost bend of the Indus River, while the eastern anchor — Namcha Barwa — is situated just west of the great bend of the Yarlung Tsangpo River. The Himalayas span five countries: India, Nepal, Bhutan, China (Tibet), and Pakistan, with the first three countries having sovereignty over most of the range.
Lifted by the collision of the Indian tectonic plate with the Eurasian Plate, the Himalayan range runs northwest to southeast in a 2,400 kilometres (1,500 mi) long arc. The range varies in width from 400 kilometres (250 mi) in the west to 150 kilometres (93 mi) in the east. Besides the Greater Himalayas, there are several parallel lower ranges. The southernmost of these, located along the northern edge of the Indian plains and reaching about a thousand meters in altitude, are called the Sivalik Hills. Further north is a higher range, reaching two to three thousand meters, known as the Lower Himalayan Range.
Three of the world's major rivers — the Indus, the Ganges and the Brahmaputra — arise in the Himalayas. While the Indus and the Brahmaputra rise near Mount Kailash in Tibet, the Ganges rises in the Indian state of Uttarakhand. Their combined drainage basin is home to some 600 million people.
The flora and fauna of the Himalayas vary with climate, rainfall, altitude, and soils. The climate ranges from tropical at the base of the mountains to permanent ice and snow at the highest elevations. The amount of yearly rainfall increases from west to east along the southern front of the range. This diversity of altitude, rainfall and soil conditions combined with the very high snow line supports a variety of distinct plant and animal communities. For example the extremes of high altitude (low atmospheric pressure) combined with extreme cold allow extremophile organisms to survive
The unique floral and faunal wealth of the Himalayas is undergoing structural and compositional changes due to climate change. The increase in temperature may shift various species to higher elevations. The oak forest is being invaded by pine forests in the Garhwal Himalayan region. There are reports of early flowering and fruiting in some tree species, especially rhododendron, apple and box myrtle. The highest known tree species in the Himalayas is Juniperus tibetica located at 4,900 metres (16,080 ft) in Southeastern Tibet
The Himalaya are among the youngest mountain ranges on the planet and consist mostly of uplifted sedimentary and metamorphic rock. According to the modern theory of plate tectonics, their formation is a result of a continental collision or orogeny along the convergent boundary between the Indo-Australian Plate and the Eurasian Plate. The Arakan Yoma highlands in Myanmar and the Andaman and Nicobar Islands in the Bay of Bengal were also formed as a result of this collision.
During the Upper Cretaceous, about 70 million years ago, the north-moving Indo-Australian plate (which has subsequently broken into the Indian Plate and the Australian plate) was moving at about 15 cm per year. About 50 million years ago this fast moving Indo-Australian plate had completely closed the Tethys Ocean, the existence of which has been determined by sedimentary rocks settled on the ocean floor, and the volcanoes that fringed its edges. Since both plates were composed of low density continental crust, they were thrust faulted and folded into mountain ranges rather than subducting into the mantle along an oceanic trench. An often-cited fact used to illustrate this process is that the summit of Mount Everest is made of marine limestone from this ancient ocean.
Today, the Indian plate continues to be driven horizontally below the Tibetan Plateau, which forces the plateau to continue to move upwards. The Indian plate is still moving at 67 mm per year, and over the next 10 million years it will travel about 1,500 km into Asia. About 20 mm per year of the India-Asia convergence is absorbed by thrusting along the Himalaya southern front. This leads to the Himalayas rising by about 5 mm per year, making them geologically active. The movement of the Indian plate into the Asian plate also makes this region seismically active, leading to earthquakes from time to time.
During the last ice age, there was a connected ice stream of glaciers between Kangchenjunga in the east and Nanga Parbat in the west.[8][9] In the west, the glaciers joined with the ice stream network in the Karakoram, and in the north, joined with the former Tibetan inland ice. To the south, outflow glaciers came to an end below an elevation of 1,000–2,000 metres (3,300–6,600 ft). While the current valley glaciers of the Himalaya reach at most 20 to 32 kilometres (12 to 20 mi) in length, several of the main valley glaciers were 60 to 112 kilometres (37 to 70 mi) long during the ice age.The glacier snowline (the altitude where accumulation and ablation of a glacier are balanced) was about 1,400–1,660 metres (4,590–5,450 ft) lower than it is today. Thus, the climate was at least 7.0 to 8.3 °C (12.6 to 14.9 °F) colder than it is today
The Himalayas have the third largest deposit of ice and snow in the world, after Antarctica and the Arctic.The Himalayan range encompasses about 15,000 glaciers, which store about 12,000 km3 (3,000 cubic miles) of fresh water. Its glaciers include the Gangotri and Yamunotri (Uttarakhand) and Khumbu glaciers (Mount Everest region), Langtang glacier (Langtang region) and Zemu (Sikkim).
Owing to the mountains' latitude near the Tropic of Cancer, the permanent snow line is among the highest in the world at typically around 5,500 metres (18,000 ft). In contrast, equatorial mountains in New Guinea, the Rwenzoris and Colombia have a snow line some 900 metres (2,950 ft) lower.The higher regions of the Himalayas are snowbound throughout the year, in spite of their proximity to the tropics, and they form the sources of several large perennial rivers, most of which combine into two large river systems:
- The western rivers combine into the Indus Basin, of which the Indus River is the largest. The Indus begins in Tibet at the confluence of Sengge and Gar rivers and flows southwest through India and then through Pakistan to the Arabian Sea. It is fed by the Jhelum, the Chenab, the Ravi, the Beas, and the Sutlej rivers, among others.
- Most of the other Himalayan rivers drain the Ganges-Brahmaputra Basin. Its main rivers are the Ganges, the Brahmaputra and the Yamuna, as well as other tributaries. The Brahmaputra originates as the Yarlung Tsangpo River in western Tibet, and flows east through Tibet and west through the plains of Assam. The Ganges and the Brahmaputra meet in Bangladesh, and drain into the Bay of Bengal through the world's largest river delta,the Sunderbans.
The Salween, Mekong, Yangtze and Huang He (Yellow River) all originate from parts of the Tibetan Plateau that are geologically distinct from the Himalaya mountains, and are therefore not considered true Himalayan rivers. Some geologists refer to all the rivers collectively as the circum-Himalayan rivers.
In recent years, scientists have monitored a notable increase in the rate of glacier retreat across the region as a result of global climate change. For example, Glacial lakes have been forming rapidly on the surface of the debris-covered glaciers in the Bhutan Himalaya during the last few decades. Although the effect of this will not be known for many years, it potentially could mean disaster for the hundreds of millions of people who rely on the glaciers to feed the rivers of northern India during the dry seasons.
A high Himalayan lake at an altitude of around 5,000 metres Sikkim, India
Some of the lakes present a danger of a glacial lake outburst flood. The Tsho Rolpa glacier lake in the Rowaling Valley, in the Dolakha District of Nepal, is rated as the most dangerous. The lake, which is located at an altitude of 4,580 metres (15,030 ft) has grown considerably over the last 50 years due to glacial melting.
The mountain lakes are known to geographers as tarns if they are caused by glacial activity. Tarns are found mostly in the upper reaches of the Himalaya, above 5,500 metres.
Impact on climate
The Himalayas have a profound effect on the climate of the Indian subcontinent and the Tibetan Plateau. They prevent frigid, dry winds from blowing south into the subcontinent, which keeps South Asia much warmer than corresponding temperate regions in the other continents. It also forms a barrier for the monsoon winds, keeping them from traveling northwards, and causing heavy rainfall in the Terai region. The Himalayas are also believed to play an important part in the formation of Central Asian deserts, such as the Taklamakan and GobiReligions of the region
The Taktsang Monastery, also known as the "Tiger's Nest"
Several places in the Himalayas are of religious significance in Buddhism, Hinduism, Jainism and Sikhism. A notable example of a religious site is Paro Taktsang, where Padmasambhava is said to have founded Buddhism in Bhutan.
A number of Tibetan Buddhist sites are situated in the Himalayas, including the residence of the Dalai Lama. There were over 6,000 monasteries in Tibet.The Tibetan Muslims had their own mosques in Lhasa and Shigatse
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